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“To be able to take photographs of people the way they are, you have to earn their trust:”

I was allowed to accompany the two extreme sportsmen Wolfgang Kulow and Stefan Schlett across the Takla Makan dessert. Already that was for me an act of faith. Along the northern and southern silk road of the province Xinjiang I met mostly very pleasant Uyghurs…
On many travels like this I van get myself an idea of, how varied and fascinating life is. That’s what I hope to be able to convey with my photography.

„Um Menschen fotografieren zu können, muss man ihnen Vertrauen schenken.“

Ich durfte die beiden Extremsportler Wolfgang Kulow und Stefan Schlett quer durch die Takla Makan Wüste begleiten. Schon dass war ein Vertauensbeweis für mich. Entlang der nördlichen und der südliche Seidenstraße traf ich dann in der Provinz Xinjiang die meist sehr liebenswürdigen Uiguren…
Auf vielen Reisen wie dieser kann ich mir ein Bild machen, wie vielfältig und spannend das Leben ist. Das hoffe ich mit meiner Photographie weitergeben zu können.

Portrait of a bride with a bunch of flowers. Urumqi, Xinjiang, CHN
Worker hangs on a high voltage cable and a telephone cable along the north silkroad Xinjiang, CHN
Cook broils mutton with ingridients outside on his grill and soup kitchen along the north silkroad. Xinjiang, CHN
Chinese workers shoving gravel from a truck on the road side for fixing the tar road in the middle of the Takla Makan dessert. Xinjiang, CHN
Uygur family on the sunday bazaar. Kothan, Xinjiang, CHN
Mao statue Kashgar, Xinjiang, CHN
Hairdresser shaves the beard of a man at open-air sunday bazaar. Kashgar, Xinjiang, CHN
Oilworker having lunch break in the midst of the dessert. Takla Makan, Xinjiang, CHN.
Uygur mother with her child on a plateau. Muztagh-ata, Xinjiang, CHN.
Camelflock with camel driver along the south silkroad. Xinjiang, CHN
Uygur farmer with his rake on his shoulder and behind his back lots of maizebutts. Kawaki, Xinjiang, CHN
Every Picture Tells A Story
Modern sleep wagon bus overtakes an old uygur man and his wife with their donkey cart. Kothan, Xinjiang, CHN
Proud Uygur father shows his child along the southern silkroad. Xinjiang, CHN
Women at the original silk gaining. Niya, Xinjiang, CHN
Grazing Yaks on a plateau before the Muztagh-ata mountains. Muztagh-ata, Xinjiang, CHN
Man with donkey cart. Propaganda poster tells - Progress in time. Evolution with new ideas. Military and population do support each other. Kucha, Xinjiang, CHN
Uygur men and children Kawaki, Xinjiang, CHN
Young uygur men playing pool billard in the open air on the sunday bazaar. Kashgar, Xinjiang, CHN
Uygur knifegrinder on his bicycle at the sunday bazaar. Kothan, Xinjiang, CHN
Salesman offers watermellon to taste at the sunday bazaar. Kashgar, Xinjiang, CHN
Two extreme sportsmen walking through the Takla Makan dessert. Xinjiang, CHN.
Opposite the Petrol Station PetroChina walks an old uygur with his camel cart loaded with logs. Kashgar, Xinjiang, CHN
Uygur men at a stall full of melones. Kashgar, Xinjiang, CHN
Young girl with her mobile phone in down town. Umrumqi, Xinjiang, CHN
All photos © Franklin Hollander, do not use without written permission. | Photos available at fotofinder.com. Search for "Franklin Hollander"
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